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How to Handle a Counter Job Offer

Mid America Search – the Insurance Recruiter. And one of the world’s best Insurance Recruiters.

Woman in meeting holding document and looking skeptically at her manager.

Information on counter job offer handling below is a guide. Furthermore, it is a set of discussions and observations based upon insurance recruiter activities conducted by Mid America Search over the past 45 plus years. Our seasoned recruiters have dealt with counter job offers numerous times. Our Candidates are most often highly-skilled. Therefore extremely valued staff members to their current employer; thus counter job offers sometimes occur.

The reader needs to think about the process at hand. The post’s intent is to set the seriousness of the process. Furthermore, it will assist in preparing for handling counter offers. Counter offers may come in the form of a letter.

In the process of transitioning in your career, unexpected experiences can occur. And, a counter job offer may be one of them. Should a counter job offer present itself, serious thought as to handling it must be done.

How to Respond to Counter Job Offers

Should your current employer counter-offer you to stay within their company or organization, the safest thing to do is the following. Let your current employer know you appreciate their offer; however, you have made your decision to resign from your job.

Reasons Not to Accept a Counter Job Offer

  • Often you are leaving your current employer for reasons that are not monetary. Furthermore, such as lack of growth opportunity, personality conflict, etc.
  • If your current employer only recognizes your value because another employer made you an offer. This situation will likely not change in the future.
  • You run the risk that your current employer makes an offer to keep you. Yet, your current employer looks for your replacement.
  • If you accept a counter offer, you risk that other future employers will not consider you as a Candidate. That is because you are known to have used an offer to get a salary increase in the past.

Should you wish to read related topics. Please see How to Prepare for a Phone Interview. Also see How to Prepare for an Interview. Furthermore see How to Handle a Job Offer.

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