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How to Handle a Job Offer

Mid America Search – the Insurance Recruiter. And one of the world’s best Insurance Recruiters.

Image showing words Screening Interviews and Job Offer with yellow star background under Job Offer.

Information on how to handle a job offer below is not intended to be the only approach. Rather, this information on handling job offers is a set of discussions based upon executive search activities conducted by Mid America Search over the past 45 plus years.

This discussion is meant to have the reader think about the process at hand. In addition, this document is intended to set the seriousness of the process. Furthermore, it is to assist in preparing for handling a job offer.

What To Do Next

Once you receive a job offer. And, this can be in various forms the Client prefers. Furthermore, and you are comfortable with it. Make certain all your questions are asked, and answered for this job offer. Moreover, do this in a timely manner.

Important Questions to Ask

  • Start date?
  • Hours of work. Furthermore, if there is flexibility on those hours such as start and quit times?
  • Also, options to work on a remote basis with this job offer?
  • If appropriate, is laptop, car or mileage reimbursement available?
  • In addition, parking or transit commuter benefits, if applicable?
  • Compensation and benefits?
  • Moreover, eligible for a bonus?
  • Also, profit sharing or deferred compensation availability?
  • Retirement benefits such as 401k matching?
  • Form of the compensation (i.e. salary or hourly and are you eligible for overtime) with this job offer?
  • Performance and salary reviews? Furthermore, if available, schedule of them.
  • Furthermore, PTO or vacation and sick-leave?
  • Travel requirements?
  • Relocation assistance, if applicable?
  • Moreover, comprehensive definition of the duties and responsibilities of the job?
  • Is this job permanent and full-time or contractor or independent contractor?
  • Any questions regarding the work environment such as dress code, type of work station such as cubicle or office?
  • Professional development such as continuing industry education and obtaining various certifications and credentials. And whether employer reimburses costs with this job offer?

The Next Step

Upon getting all your questions answered, weigh the pros and cons of accepting the offer. Be certain to provide a timely decision. Not providing a timely decision could result in the offer being rescinded.

Communicating your decision, on the offer, is vitally important. Generally, the method of communicating your decision would be to call the Client’s appropriate representative. Then follow-up this communication by an email.

The Resignation Process

If your decision is to accept the job offer, the discussion below will assist in how to resign from a job. That is, the best way to resign from a job.

The first step is to write a job resignation letter. This will answer how to write a resignation letter for a job.

The Resignation Letter

  • Keep the letter short, positive and simple.
  • A typical resignation letter would express appreciation to your current employer for the opportunity to have been part of their team.
  • Let your current employer know that you have accepted a job offer at another company or organization. Therefore, you are providing notice of resignation as of today.
  • Offer your assistance to your current employer. Furthermore, note your desire to assist during the transition.

Should you wish to read related topics. Please see How to Prepare for a Phone Interview. Also see How to Prepare for an Interview. Furthermore see How to Handle a Counter Job Offer.

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